SSC-CGL, 2013 - Posts

Staff Selection Commission

Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2013

Names & Codes of Posts, Classification, Pay Band and Grade Pay, Nature of Physical Disabilities permissible for the posts are:
Posts for which Interview cum Personality Test is prescribed: Pay Band –II f 9300-34800:
CodePostMinistries/Departments/ Offices/ CadreClassificationGrade Pay (GP)Nature of Physical Disabilities permissible for the post
AAssistantCentral Secretariat ServiceGroup “B”4600One Leg (OL), Both Legs & Arms (BLA), One Arm (OA), Partially Deaf (PD), Partially Blind (PB), Blind (B)
BAssistantCentral Vigilance CommissionGroup “B”4600
CAssistantIntelligence BureauGroup “B”4600
DAssistantMinistry of RailwayGroup “B”4600
EAssistantMinistry of External AffairsGroup “B”4600
Ministry of External AffairsGroup “B”4600
GAssistantAFHQGroup “B”4600
HAssistantOther Ministries/ Departments/Organisations including AFHQGroup “B”4600
IAssistantOther Ministries/ Departments/Organisations including AFHQGroup “B”4200
JInspector of Income TaxCBDTGroup “C”4600OA, OL, BL, OAL ,HH*
KInspector, (Central Excise)CBECGroup “B”4600One Leg/one arm affected/ one arm & one leg affected, Partially hearing impaired with assistive devices.
LInspector (Preventive Officer)
MInspector (Examiner)
NAssistant Enforcement OfficerDirectorate of Enforcement, Department of RevenueGroup “C”4600Post not identified suitable for PH candidates.
OSub InspectorsCentral Bureau of InvestigationGroup C”4200Post not identified suitable for PH candidates.
PInspector of PostsDepartment of PostGroup “B”4200Post not identified suitable for PH candidates
QDivisional AccountantOffices under CAGGroup C”4200One Leg (OL) Partially Deaf ( PD) /Deaf(D)
RStatistical Investigator Gr.IIM/Statistics & Prog Implementation.Group “B4200Post not identified suitable for PH candidate
SInspectorCentral Bureau of NarcoticsGroup “B4200Post not identified suitable for PH candidate
Nature of Physical Disabilities is as per Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment’s Notification No.16-70/2004-DD.III dated 15.3.2007.
II. Posts for which Interview cum Personality Test is NOT prescribed: Pay Band-I: f 5200-20200
TAuditorOffices under C&AGGroup C”2800One Arm (OA), One Leg (OL)
UAuditorOffices under CGDAGroup C”2800
VAuditorOffices under CGA & othersGroup C”2800
WAccountant/ Junior AccountantOffices under C&AGGroup C”2800One Leg (OL) ,Partially Deaf(PD),Deaf(D)
XAccountant/ Junior AccountantOffices under CGA & othersGroup C”2800
YUpper Division ClerkCentral Govt. Offices/Ministries other than CSCS cadres.Group C”2400Both Leg(BL)/ One Leg (OL)/ Partially Deaf (PD),/Deaf(D) Partially Blind (PB), Blind (B)/One Arm (OA)
ZTax AssistantCBDTGroup C”2400Both Leg(BL)/ One Leg (OL)/ Partially Deaf (PD),/Deaf(D) Partially Blind (PB), Blind (B)/One Arm (OA)
@Tax AssistantCBECGroup C”2400
$CompilerRegistrar General of IndiaGroup “C”2400One Leg (OL) ,One Arm (OA), Partially Deaf (PD)
#Sub-InspectorCentral Bureau of NarcoticsGroup “C”2400Post not identified suitable for PH candidate
As per DOPT’s Order No.11012/7/2008-Estt (A) dated 09.04.2009 posts are classified under the Central Civil Services (CCA) Rules,1965 as under :
Description of PostsClassification of Posts
A Central Civil post carrying the following grade pay :-Rs.5400,Rs..4800,Rs..4600 and Rs..4200 in the scale of pay of Rs.9300–34800 in the Pay Band-2Group-B
A Central Civil post carrying the following grade pay :-Rs..2800,Rs..2400,Rs..2000,Rs..1900 and Rs..1800 in the scale of pay of Rs..5200-20200 in the Pay Band-1
