Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change has invited applications for recruitment at various posts. The interested and eligible candidates can apply.
Post details:
Total posts: 16
Post name:
Technical officer: 3
Research officer: 13
Eligibility criterion:
Educational qualifications:
Technical officer: Candidates applying for this post should possess a Master's degree in Statistics or Operations Research or Forestry or Economics (with statistics) or Commerce (with statistics) or Mathematics (with statistics) or Agriculture (with statistics).  
Research officer: Candidates applying for this post should possess a Master's degree in Environmental Sciences/Earth Sciences/Botany/Zoology/Chemistry/Bio Chemistry/Bio-Technology or they should have a Bachelor's degree in Engineering/Technology in Environmental Sciences/Bio-Technology from a recognised university/institute. Candidates should have two years' experience in collection and analysis of data on environmental subjects.
Pay scale:
Technical officer: PB-2, Rs 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of Rs 4,800
Research officer: PB-2, Rs 9,300-34,800 with grade pay of Rs 4,600
Application process:
In order to apply, the candidates are required to send their duly filled application forms to " Shri Manoj Kumar Pathak, Section Officer (P.1) 1st Floor, Prithvi Block, Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, Ali Ganj, New Delhi-110003". Besides, the candidates are required to send the attested copies of relevant documents and testimonials along.
