Questions Asked in SSC CGL 2016 Exam on 8 September 2016

Morning Shift:

  1. Hardest coal type-Anthracite
  2. Colors of stars due to- Related to temperature
  3. Limestone is used in whihc industry-Cement Industry
  4. Best indicator of economic development-Per Capita Income
  5. DPT is what type of vaccine-Combination vaccine
  6. Mansabadari system is started by–Akbar
  7. Color blindness is due to imbalance of-Cone
  8. Which ocean has the largest continental shelf-Arctic ocean
  9. Bill for constitutional amendment initiated in-Any house of Parliament
  10. Red soil mainly found in
  11. Which area is known as Kamarpura-Assam
  12. CENVAT tax is applied on-
  13. Ftii chairman-Gajendra Chauhan
  14. Diode is generally used in-Transistor
  15. Last battle of vijayanagar-Talikota battle
  16. Directive principles of state policy adopted from which Constitution-Irish Constitution
  17. Misson indradanush related to-Full immunization of children heath
  18. Penicillin is derived from–Penicillium mold
Afternoon Shift:
  1. State which is not included in golden quadrilateral – Any state except Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata.
  2. Yogeshwar Dutt is famous for which sport? – Wrestling
  3. Which of the following vitamins does Lemon contain – Vitamin C (Citric Acid)
  4. Amartya sen got Nobel prize in which sector of economics? – Welfare economics
  5. Who among the following gave a famous slogan for Chipko movement? – Ghanshyam Raturi
  6. Which of the following cannot be created by IC? – Triode
  7. First organic state of India – Sikkim
  8. Which state has the largest coastline in India – Gujarat 
