RRB NTPC Result Date Announced?

As per the news published in Hindustan Times, RRB NTPC Result will be declared in the 
First Fortnite of October 2016
The results of Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) Non-Technical Popular Category (NTPC) 
examination 2016 will be declared in the first fortnight of October, a spokesperson of the
 Indian Railways said on Saturday.
Anil Kumar Saxena also told Hindustan Times that the board will conduct a second stage 
computer-based test (CBT) for various NTPC (graduate) category in November-December.
Only those candidates who have cleared the first stage of the exam, which were held between
 March and May, will be called for the second stage of the exam. The number of candidates
 called for the second stage will be 15 times the number of vacancies.
