Kannan Raghupathy
It is increasingly becoming difficult
to post anything on the CGLE 2013.
In response to an agitation by the
candidates and a proposal sent by
the SSC containing several
alternatives, the DoPT has, as seen
in a press note issued on the PIB
Website, decided on re-examination
of both Tier I and Tier II in 12
‘centres’ where there is suspicion of
large scale ‘leakage’ of question
papers, with the rider that the
report of the CBI is still awaited.
The press release also said that the
SSC would place the details of the
‘centres’ for re-examination on its
website. The much awaited Notice by
the SSC listed a few ‘centres’ for re-
examination and the Notice is not
clear whether the entire Tier I
examination in these centres will
cancelled and held again
irrespective of the day on which it
was conducted.
It is also not clear till date whether
the re-examination will be in all
venues(sub centres) of the listed
centres or in select sub centres only.
Some candidates have pointed out
that the Notice of SSC is ambiguous
on this. Therefore, the uncertainty
about CGLE 2013 continues to haunt
the candidates. In the era of RTI it
is difficult to accept the reluctance
shown in disclosing all relevant
information to the stake holders,
especially the candidates who had
appeared for Tier II. The Press Note
on PIB website also says that there
will be age relaxation in the re-
examination! The very concept of re-
examination is that the same set of
candidates who had appeared in the
cancelled examination will appear
again and, therefore, the reference
to age relaxation is irrelevant. I
have always maintained that people
in DoPT involved in decision making
in SSC related matters are not
equipped to do so and the solution
(!) of DoPT proves it again.
About 60 to 70% of candidates of
any SSC Examination are from
Northern and Central regions and
Delhi, Jaipur, Lucknow, Allahabad
and Patna account for bulk of the
candidates in these regions. If the
examination is held in all the
venues of the centres listed in SSC
Notice again it will be for several
lakhs of candidates and Tier I re-
examination will take at least two
months to organize and another two
months, going by the present
performance of SSC, for declaration
of results. After that Tier II will have
to be held again in these centres for
the qualified candidates of Tier I re-
examination. In all probability SSC
will contemplate combining the Tier
I and Tier II of the CGLE 2014 and
re-examination of CGLE 2013
together perhaps on different days.
In a multi-tiered examination where
there is a provision for cut offs in
each paper at various stages,
including in the interview,
candidates of ‘doubtful’ centres who
qualified in Tier I could have been
easily weeded out if Tier II only is
conducted again under tight
supervision with support from the
CAPFs who now have presence across
the nation. Even use of jammers
could have been cost effective as the
number of venues for Tier II would
have been about 300 or so. I had
suggested holding of Tier II in all
centres to avoid litigations seeking
equalization of marks in Tier II
conducted earlier and re-
examination. I still feel that it is a
better and cost effective solution.
But, Government decisions are
difficult to challenge in courts of law
even if they are taken on the basis
of reports of Police based on
conjectures rather than hard facts. I
understand that the government
employees, both of Central and
Delhi Police, who were arrested by
Delhi and other States’ Police red-
handed, were let out on bail and are
merrily continuing in service. They
are not even suspended!
Everything is in a flux and my advice
to the candidates who are within
age limit for CGLE 2014 is that they
should apply for it and prepare well.
The preparation will come in handy
in the re-examination of CGLE 2013
too if and when it is held. For those
who are overaged for CGLE 2013,
there is no other alternative but to
wait and prepare for the re-
examination irrespective of whether
the re-examination is held in select
venues or all venues in the listed
My understanding is that whatever
decision is taken by the government
and SSC will have to be accepted by
the CAT Bench before which OAs
seeking cancellation of Tiers I and II
are pending. I do expect CAT to
accept the formula given by the
DoPT only if the re-examination will
be in all venues in the listed
centres. After all Government has
now accepted the report of Delhi
Police of large scale leakage and
cannot go back on it. CAT bench
may not accept, at this stage, re-
examination in only select venues in
the listed centres. However, it is still
possible to place an alternative
proposal before CAT for holding Tier
II again either all over India or in
the listed centres ensuring that it is
conducted fairly with adequate
steps taken for eliminating frauds; if
it is in the listed centres only there
will be no inconvenience caused to
the candidates of centres where
there is no doubt of any “leakage’ of
question papers. The role of Courts
is to apply the principle of natural
justice fairly and equally and CAT
may accept either of the two
proposasl if it is presented properly.
Delhi Police and now SSC and DoPT,
the latter two perhaps unwittingly,
have succeeded in destroying the
credibility of SSC as a recruiting
organization. It will take yeomen
efforts on the part of SSC to regain
its credibility. I wish they show the
resilience, will and initiative
necessary for this endeavour in their
own and national interest.
I am not in a position to accept
requests for friendship on my page
‘Kannan Raghupathy’ as it appears
that FB as a matter of policy does
not allow more than 5000 ‘friends’.
Those who want can still follow me
on the page ‘N K Raghupathy’.
It is increasingly becoming difficult
to post anything on the CGLE 2013.
In response to an agitation by the
candidates and a proposal sent by
the SSC containing several
alternatives, the DoPT has, as seen
in a press note issued on the PIB
Website, decided on re-examination
of both Tier I and Tier II in 12
‘centres’ where there is suspicion of
large scale ‘leakage’ of question
papers, with the rider that the
report of the CBI is still awaited.
The press release also said that the
SSC would place the details of the
‘centres’ for re-examination on its
website. The much awaited Notice by
the SSC listed a few ‘centres’ for re-
examination and the Notice is not
clear whether the entire Tier I
examination in these centres will
cancelled and held again
irrespective of the day on which it
was conducted.
It is also not clear till date whether
the re-examination will be in all
venues(sub centres) of the listed
centres or in select sub centres only.
Some candidates have pointed out
that the Notice of SSC is ambiguous
on this. Therefore, the uncertainty
about CGLE 2013 continues to haunt
the candidates. In the era of RTI it
is difficult to accept the reluctance
shown in disclosing all relevant
information to the stake holders,
especially the candidates who had
appeared for Tier II. The Press Note
on PIB website also says that there
will be age relaxation in the re-
examination! The very concept of re-
examination is that the same set of
candidates who had appeared in the
cancelled examination will appear
again and, therefore, the reference
to age relaxation is irrelevant. I
have always maintained that people
in DoPT involved in decision making
in SSC related matters are not
equipped to do so and the solution
(!) of DoPT proves it again.
About 60 to 70% of candidates of
any SSC Examination are from
Northern and Central regions and
Delhi, Jaipur, Lucknow, Allahabad
and Patna account for bulk of the
candidates in these regions. If the
examination is held in all the
venues of the centres listed in SSC
Notice again it will be for several
lakhs of candidates and Tier I re-
examination will take at least two
months to organize and another two
months, going by the present
performance of SSC, for declaration
of results. After that Tier II will have
to be held again in these centres for
the qualified candidates of Tier I re-
examination. In all probability SSC
will contemplate combining the Tier
I and Tier II of the CGLE 2014 and
re-examination of CGLE 2013
together perhaps on different days.
In a multi-tiered examination where
there is a provision for cut offs in
each paper at various stages,
including in the interview,
candidates of ‘doubtful’ centres who
qualified in Tier I could have been
easily weeded out if Tier II only is
conducted again under tight
supervision with support from the
CAPFs who now have presence across
the nation. Even use of jammers
could have been cost effective as the
number of venues for Tier II would
have been about 300 or so. I had
suggested holding of Tier II in all
centres to avoid litigations seeking
equalization of marks in Tier II
conducted earlier and re-
examination. I still feel that it is a
better and cost effective solution.
But, Government decisions are
difficult to challenge in courts of law
even if they are taken on the basis
of reports of Police based on
conjectures rather than hard facts. I
understand that the government
employees, both of Central and
Delhi Police, who were arrested by
Delhi and other States’ Police red-
handed, were let out on bail and are
merrily continuing in service. They
are not even suspended!
Everything is in a flux and my advice
to the candidates who are within
age limit for CGLE 2014 is that they
should apply for it and prepare well.
The preparation will come in handy
in the re-examination of CGLE 2013
too if and when it is held. For those
who are overaged for CGLE 2013,
there is no other alternative but to
wait and prepare for the re-
examination irrespective of whether
the re-examination is held in select
venues or all venues in the listed
My understanding is that whatever
decision is taken by the government
and SSC will have to be accepted by
the CAT Bench before which OAs
seeking cancellation of Tiers I and II
are pending. I do expect CAT to
accept the formula given by the
DoPT only if the re-examination will
be in all venues in the listed
centres. After all Government has
now accepted the report of Delhi
Police of large scale leakage and
cannot go back on it. CAT bench
may not accept, at this stage, re-
examination in only select venues in
the listed centres. However, it is still
possible to place an alternative
proposal before CAT for holding Tier
II again either all over India or in
the listed centres ensuring that it is
conducted fairly with adequate
steps taken for eliminating frauds; if
it is in the listed centres only there
will be no inconvenience caused to
the candidates of centres where
there is no doubt of any “leakage’ of
question papers. The role of Courts
is to apply the principle of natural
justice fairly and equally and CAT
may accept either of the two
proposasl if it is presented properly.
Delhi Police and now SSC and DoPT,
the latter two perhaps unwittingly,
have succeeded in destroying the
credibility of SSC as a recruiting
organization. It will take yeomen
efforts on the part of SSC to regain
its credibility. I wish they show the
resilience, will and initiative
necessary for this endeavour in their
own and national interest.
I am not in a position to accept
requests for friendship on my page
‘Kannan Raghupathy’ as it appears
that FB as a matter of policy does
not allow more than 5000 ‘friends’.
Those who want can still follow me
on the page ‘N K Raghupathy’.
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